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Person/RoleOrganizationExpertise on Project
Cameron Naficy
Lead Analyst
Oregon State University, College of ForestryDisturbance ecology, geospatial analysis, stakeholder engagement
Meg Krawchuk
Primary Investigator
Oregon State University, College of ForestryFire ecology, landscape ecology, conservation science
Garrett Meigs
Washington Department of Natural ResourcesDisturbance ecology, geospatial analysis
David Bell
US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research StationVegetation mapping and landscape change; stakeholder engagement
Raymond Davis
US Forest Service, Pacific Northwest RegionLSOG and owl monitoring; liaison to managers
Katie Dugger
USGS, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research UnitNorthern spotted owl and barred owl demography
Matthew Gregory
Oregon State University, College of ForestryVegetation mapping and technology transfer
David Wiens
USGS, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science CenterNorthern spotted owl and barred owl ecology and management

Please contact our primary investigator, Meg Krawchuk (meg.krawchuk at, with any questions about this project.